Saturday, December 9, 2017

The three words you need practice if you want to sabotage your intuition

Shoulda. Coulda. Woulda.

I shoulda done this instead!
I could've done that differently!
If I'd have known, I woulda done that!

These words will haunt someone who doesn't trust their actions or their intuition. These words taste like vomit in the mouth of someone who lives in regret. Someone who says these words repeatedly has fear charging through every single one of the gazillion cells in their body.
This person was me a couple of years ago.
The simplest way I could describe the sensation that manifested in my body because of these words was a never-ending feeling of buyer's remorse - like everything I did was a mistake. It's that feelin' some people get after making a big purchase, like a car or a house... or a horse.
And when I say I felt like everything I did was a mistake, I mean everything!

This feeling came from:

  • Purchases I made- affecting my sense of security. "I coulda gone without a phone last month..."
  • How I chose to spend my free time- affecting my sense of creativity. "I would've had fun, if..."
  • What I wanted to eat- upsetting my digestive system "I shoulda stopped eating sooner..."
  • Who I chose to love- rattling up my heart "I wouldn't've tried so hard if..."
  • What I would say- choaking up my communication "I should've said this instead..."
  • How I listened- fuzzing up my intuition The "shoulda-coulda-woulda's" stood in the way here.
  • And all of this influenced my ability to connect with a higher power or with my Self.


My body hurt, I was breaking out and I lost my period. My mind hurt, I wasn't sleeping and my hair was falling out. My heart hurt, and I was constantly fighting back tears. I was overwhelmed!
I really felt like I was dying in those years not too long ago... but I had to do something different. In fact, I had to do everything differently. What can you do? Where can you go when you are spiraling down a funnel of fear, doubt, and regret? 

A Cure

Just stopping sounds easy enough but it's not. Just focusing sounds easy enough but it's not. 
We must own it- our choices- and, actually, this is much easier than regretting them or fearing the repercussions. This is a practice and it takes time. The practice consists of coming back to the here and now where there is no regret (the poison of the past) or fear (the poison of the future). In the here and now there is only opportunity. The practice consists also of compassion and owning the truth that you are free to change your mind.
When we own the feeling that comes from a good or bad decision we can now face the opportunity of continuing to spiral in regret or learn from the situation. Either of these will serve you in one way or another, but how is it serving you? You choose.

"You never get it wrong and you never get it done" -Abraham Hicks

If you are overwhelmed with the shoulda-coulda-woulda's, know that you are not alone and this is not forever. If you've read this, you are on your path to a healthier you and I'm here if you choose to trust me as a coach.

In love and wellness, 
Olivia Marie